Bridging the Gap of the Natural and Mystical

Megan Laude is a visual naturalist intertwining the realms of nature and magic, merging the enchantment of the natural world around her with the practices of modern-day witchcraft. She grew up in a world surrounded by the spellbinding beauty of nature, creating fairy houses and magic potions in the woods and frolicking around the garden with her familiars. Working now to bring the magic found in the world around her into her artwork.

Through her illustrations, she invites viewers to embark on a journey where botanical wonders, fantastical fauna, and mystical energies converge, illuminating the profound connection between nature and the craft. With each stroke of her brush, her art serves as a testament to the enduring magic of the organic world and its profound ability to guide us on our individual paths of self-discovery, empowerment, and enchantment.

  • FAQ

    Find answers to frequently asked questions about me and my illustration process.

  • Materials

    Curious about what supplies and materials I use in my illustrations and streaming? Here is a list of my most used materials.

  • Resource Recommendations

    A list of informational books, blog, and videos that I enjoy referencing in my own artistic studies.

For more frequent updates and a look behind the scenes in my studio check out my Instagram.