Are you available for private commissions and pet portrait commissions?

Yes, currently commission requests are open! Please feel free to visit the commissions page to learn more and submit a commission inquiry form. I will get back to you within a day or two to go over the specifics for your project.

Are you available for freelance or commercial illustrations projects?

Yes I am! Please visit the Contact page or email me directly at megan@scarletfoxstudios.com to get in touch with me to go over details.

What materials do you use?

For my traditional pieces I usually start with a graphite drawing and then paint over the graphite with watercolor or gouache, then work back in details with either more graphite, ink line work, or colored pencil. Please visit the Art Materials page to learn more about the specific art materials I use every day.

Where did you go to school?

I actually received both my BFA in Illustration (2011) and my MFA in Illustration (2024) from the Hartford Art School at the University of Hartford.